Đặt câu với từ "hepatitis a|hepatitis a"

1. Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventaBle liver infection caused By the hepatitis B virus (HBV)

2. Vaccination can prevent hepatitis A.

3. Autoimmune hepatitis?

4. Acute hepatitis can be caused by the enterically spread hepatitis A and E viruses and the parenterally spread hepatitis B, C or D viruses.

5. The hepatitis is a contagious disease.

6. Alberta Accelerating a cure for Hepatitis C Hepatitis C virus causes chronic inflammation of the liver.

7. Avoidable Hepatitis Infections

8. Infections with hepatitis A (HAV) and E viruses (HEV) represent important differential diagnoses of acute viral hepatitis.

9. • Acute Hepatitis B Infection:

10. Hepatitis B immunization has contributed to a reduction in acute hepatitis B infection from # in # to # in

11. Acute hepatitis A infection is cleared completely.

12. 6.3.2 Acute infections Rule out hepatitis A (anti-HA-IgM) Rule out hepatitis B (HBsAg æ anti-HBcIgM)

13. While alcohol can cause hepatitis directly, it also appears to lower the body’s resistance to hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses.

14. Hepatitis A spreads by ingesting the hepatitis A virus (HAV) and passing it along to others by contact with infected stool

15. Hepatitis, abnormal liver function

16. Neither doctor checked for hepatitis.

17. These results show a high prevalence of infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) in IVDA with acute B hepatitis.

18. Hidden Hepatitis-C Infections

19. This is a case report about acute cytolytic hepatitis caused by allopurinol in a 65-year-old patient undergoing dual therapy for hepatitis C.

20. Vaccination can prevent hepatitis B.

21. 21 In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious.

22. "ACUTE HEPATITIS B" INCIDENCE IN CANADA Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection surveillance information has cannot be separated.

23. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a type of chronic liver disease

24. These pAthogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

25. • Acute hepatitis B is a reportable infection in all Canadian jurisdictions.

26. What is hepatitis B immune globulin ( HBIG )?

27. Reported diphtheria, poliomyelitis, measles, acute hepatitis B

28. Send for hepatitis serologies and an autoimmune panel.

29. How can you get hepatitis B infection ?

30. Conclusions With appropriate immunoprophylaxis, including hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine, HBV carriers can breast feed their babies.

31. Acute: There is not a recommended treatment for Acute hepatitis C

32. Prophylaxis of HCV-infections relies primarily on hygiene measures. Early therapy of acute hepatitis C can prevent chronic hepatitis C.

33. Hepatitis A, B, and C in children can raise diagnostic and therapeutic problems.

34. Why is hepatitis B infection serious for babies ?

35. The blood contained another form, called non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANB).

36. Special emphasis is laid on its natural history and the discussion of uncomplicated acute hepatitis B, fulminant hepatitis and chronic HBV infection.

37. In western countries hepatitis B is commonly transmitted parenterally and sexually, and acute hepatitis is eliminated spontaneously in 95% of acute infections.

38. Practically all hemophiliac patients are infected with hepatitis.”

39. Syphilis commonly attacks the liver, as does hepatitis.

40. Aids, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes hepatitis, disease, and filth.

41. That is why hepatitis —inflammation of the liver— can devastate a person’s health.

42. You can become infected with hepatitis C through contact with contaminated blood: for instance, sharing drug using-equipment, blood transfusions prior to 1992, or the use of improperly sterilized equipment for tattooing, piercing or acupuncture. There are vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.

43. One-hundred and four cases of acute viral hepatitis and 100 controls 13 years of age and less were entered into a study of acute hepatitis in children in Cairo, Egypt.

44. Most people with acute Hepatitis C infection show no symptoms.

45. It's hepatitis C. Heavy viral, all consistent with acute infection.

46. Do I need to see a doctor because of my hepatitis B infection ?

47. Enhanced Surveillance for Acute Hepatitis B and C Infections

48. Can my baby be protected from hepatitis B infection ?

49. His serology tests came back positive for hepatitis " C ".

50. Neonatal hepatitis may be idiopathic or of viral origin.

51. The most serious liver inflammation is called serum hepatitis.

52. Well, consider as an example screening for hepatitis B.

53. Ascites may occur in other liver disorders, such as severe alcoholic hepatitis without cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, and obstruction of the hepatic vein (Budd-Chiari syndrome)

54. 7 Objective To explore a strategy for immunization against hepatitis A ( HA ) in highly prevalent areas.

55. Plasma hepatic transaminase activities were raised and a diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis was made.

56. Both infections present clinically as acute and self-limiting hepatitis.

57. 22 Nineteen eighty-two was the year Jasper had hepatitis.

58. Will having hepatitis B infection affect my pregnancy and delivery ?

59. Health Protection recommended against malaria, cholera, typhoid, polio, tetanus, hepatitis.

60. Your baby can be protected from infection by a full course of hepatitis B vaccine .

61. There is also the risk of being infected with hepatitis. . . .

62. Physicians had long known that a milder hepatitis (type A) was spread through unclean food or water.

63. Three of 20 rats died with encephalitis, myositis, hepatitis, and pancreatitis.

64. Hepatitis may result from excessive alcohol consumption or exposure to toxins.

65. Polyarteritis nodosa is more common in people with hepatitis B infection.

66. Anthranilic acid derivatives useful in treating infection with hepatitis c virus

67. Chronic severe hepatitis has direct influence on the erythrocyte sedimentation rate .

68. It is a device for use as an aid in the diagnosis of acute hepatitis, an infection.

69. In addition, we fund an active research lab searching for a cure for chronic hepatitis B.

70. Anilingus can also transmit hepatitis A and B, intestinal parasites like Giardia, and bacteria like E

71. The consortium monitored a number of viruses, including norovirus, hepatitis A virus, hepatitis E virus, human adenovirus, porcine adenovirus and bovine polyomavirus, in order to distinguish the human or zoonotic route of contamination of the food supply chain.

72. Acute infections with hepatitis A, B, D and E virus may lead to acute liver failure.

73. A person can carry the hepatitis virus without himself being disabled or made sick by it.

74. Illnesses, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, polio, hepatitis and acute respiratory infections

75. Being used in colds, heat stroke, indigestion dyspepsia ( painful indigestion ), diarrhea, hepatitis.

76. Acute HDV infection occurred in 17.1% of the patients with acute hepatitis.

77. Already underway is a programme immunising all risk groups against DT, MMR, Yellow Fever and Hepatitis B.

78. The risk of developing a chronic carriage state after acute hepatitis B infection in adults was evaluated.

79. Co-infection with hepatitis C and treatment with alpha interferon and ribavirin may constitute a special risk

80. Five viruses are known to cause hepatitis, the three most common being designated A, B, and C.